Attending a professional sporting event is something that many people look forward to year after year. A professional sporting event can also be a fun and memorable family outing, but if you're bringing young children to the sporting event, advanced planning is needed. Use the following tips to ensure that both you and your young children enjoy the next professional sporting event that you attend:
Look for Family Deals
It can be expensive to take the whole family to a professional sporting event, so it is always a good idea to look for ticket bundle deals for families, or attend a game that is promoted as family night. Some professional sports teams also have certain areas of stadiums reserved for families, which can make the experience much easier when you have young children with you.
Choose Your Seats Wisely
Before purchasing tickets to a pro sporting event, take the time to look at a map of the stadium where the game is being held. You should know exactly what section you will be sitting in-- keep in mind that in many stadiums the upper level sections have very steep stairs, so you may want to buy tickets in a lower section where the stairs are not as steep and are easier for young kids to safely climb. It is also a good idea to reserve seats on the end of the row so it is easy for your family to get in and out as needed.
Know Where the Restrooms Are
Any parent who has young kids knows that it is important to always know where the closest bathroom is. When you arrive at the stadium and are heading for your seats, take the time to find out where the closest restroom is. This will ensure that when your kids need a bathroom break, you won't have to wander around looking for the closest one. It is also a good idea to take bathroom breaks during game play when the lines for the restroom are not long so you don't risk your young child having an accident.
Budget for Concessions
Most people know that concessions at a professional sports event can be pricey. But when you're attending a game with young kids, they will not be able to resist the rows of concession stands that offer a variety of food and treats. It is in your best interest to set aside money in your budget to buy your kids something to eat while watching the game.
If you're ready to attend some sporting events as a family, check out teams like Lincoln Saltdogs Baseball.