How to Choose Where Your New Horse Shelter Will Go

Before you consider the actual design of a horse shelter, you must first determine where the shelter will go. After all, the location of a shelter will dictate at least a few aspects of the shelters' construction. If you're building a new horse shelter, here's how to select the best possible location for it.

Step 1: Check Local Well Regulations

If you have a well nearby, first check your local regulations regarding wells and other buildings. Your horse shelter will have to be a minimum distance from any nearby well to ensure that bacteria from the horses' droppings don't get into anyone's drinking water. Your local regulations will dictate exactly how far from a well the shelter will need to be. Your city or town will have regulations in place if you live in an incorporated area. If you don't live in an incorporated municipality, check what regulations the county has in place for wells and other structures.

Step 2: Build Away From Surface Water

After taking any wells into consideration, turn your attention to surface water that's nearby. This can include ponds, streams, rivers, or even lakes, depending on where your horses are located. Even storm drains and ditches can swell with water during rainy periods, and should be taken into account.

Build your shelter slightly uphill and a sufficient distance from any surface water. You'll reduce the likelihood of the water getting into your shelter if the area ever floods. By building a sufficient distance away, you'll help keep the bacteria from manure out of the surface water so that the water is safe for animals and people.

The minimum distance between surface water and a horse shelter isn't legislated as much as what the distance between a well and shelter should be. As a guideline, however, you can use your locally required distance between a well and a horse shelter. The same distance should be sufficient for a surface water source too.

Step 3: Construct on the Lee Side of a Windbreaker

Most areas will have some sort of natural windbreakers, such as hedges, woods, or hills. Whatever the obstruction is, it breaks the breezes that flow through the area. Any of these obstructions can do this effectively. Construct your horse shelter on the lee side of any obstruction that reduces breezes. This will reduce the force against your structure, and it will ensure you and horses don't have to brave the strongest breezes when entering and leaving the structure. Even a slight break in the wind can be a real comfort during storms.

For more information about horse shelters, contact companies like Rarin' To Go Corrals.

About Me

Have A Long Sports Career Without Getting Injured!

Welcome to my weblog. I am Hector Abraham. I have been playing sports for decades, much longer than my friends I used to play with in high school. I'm often asked why I have been able to play for so long. The secret is that I am very cautious and do everything I can to minimize the risk of becoming injured. I see so many other athletes who take unnecessary risks. There is absolutely no reason to become injured, especially if you are not playing professionally. Therefore, I decided to create a blog to share everything I know both to help others avoid injuries and to cover various other topics related to sports.


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